Globally, the total confirmed cases of Covid-19 have reached more than 4,810,000, with over 319,000 deaths and 1,790,000 recoveries.

In Europe, the daily confirmed cases continue to decrease in the majority of countries, except Russia, which continues to experience an increase in cases.

Brazil, in Latin America, and the US, in North America, account for most of the reported daily confirmed cases in that continent.

There are ​about 85,000 confirmed cases and 3,000 Covid-19 deaths in Africa. A low death toll had raised hopes that Africa may be spared worst of this pandemic, until recently.

​A World Health Organisation model estimated that although cases might rise exponentially to at least a quarter of a billion people infected in Africa this year, countries on the continent will have fewer deaths than Europe and the US because of its younger population ​and lower comorbidity prevalence, such as diabetes.

​However, current reported death tolls likely do not accurately reflect the true extent of the outbreak’s impact in Africa due to testing limitations.

Bishal Bhandari, PhD, senior epidemiologist at GlobalData