Windsor Health has appointed Hassan Rifaat as president to lead the company’s Medicare Advantage business replacing the current president Michael Bailey, who helped found Windsor Health Plan.

In his new role, Rifaat will be responsible for more than 157,000 healthcare customers’ business activities in 28 states and will focus on quality healthcare coverage for Medicare-eligible clients.

Windsor Health CEO Michael Muchnicki said that Rifaat is a proven leader in their field and his background as a physician and health plan executive are essential to Windsor’s strategic goal of being the highest quality Medicare Advantage plan available to the seniors they serve.

With more than 25 years of medical and health industry experience, Rifaat had earlier served at Outcomes Health as COO.

Prior to Windsor, he held positions with Coventry Health Care and managed seven health plans in 11 states.

Rifaat also served as Regional CEO over Illinois and the Southeast, market president for Louisiana and several senior executive positions at Humana as well as director of Clinical Innovation.