First Premium Insurance, a personal and commercial insurance brokerage firm, has selected DocuSign eSignature service to expedite personal insurance applications online by integrating DocuSign with its rating engine.

First Premium used the DocuSign connect Application Programming Interface (API) to integrate DocuSign eSignature technology into its existing rating engine. This solution will enable agents to complete the entire application process online, eliminating paper applications that takes long time.

Jay Pellegrini, president and CEO of First Premium Insurance, said: With DocuSign, we can provide a completely automated system online—from rating and quoting to signing the completed application. DocuSign will reduce our cycle time, improve our application return ratio and even increase client satisfaction. And, we anticipate 100% accuracy in submitted applications using DocuSign.

Steve Woodworth, market director of wealth management and insurance at DocuSign said: First Premium Insurance deals in meeting customer demands by deploying technology that makes it easier and more efficient for their clients to do business with them.