Cigna has signed a letter of intent for MedSolutions to become Cigna's exclusive radiology benefits provider in the US, to deliver radiology services at lower cost to the customers in the US.

Cigna’s MedSolutions program will begin to be introduced in various regions beginning mid-year 2011.

The MedSolutions program for Cigna customers features a support and outreach program called Informed Choice, which is aimed at helping people undergoing an MRI, CT or PET scan learn about all of their options as they and their doctor choose where to have tests done.

Cigna senior vice president total health and network Alan Muney said as more and more Americans use MRI, CT and PET scans, Cigna can help the customers receive higher quality care and make informed choices about the care they receive, potentially saving them hundreds of dollars for each scan.

"MedSolutions’ requirements for using evidence-based, best practice measures and for credentialing facilities will help Cigna customers receive high quality, clinically appropriate and safe radiology services.

"Cigna’s teaming up with MedSolutions also offers our contracted physicians a simpler service experience by providing a single point of contact for radiology benefits, so that they may continue to focus on their top priority of improving the health of our customers," Muney said.