Aetna and Moroccan insurer La Compagnie d’assurance et de reassurance ATLANTA have signed an agreement with the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to provide all its diplomats and their families with an International Health Plan.

Aetna International Middle East and Africa general manager Stuart Leatherby said that the collaboration with ATLANTA and brokerEPEGA Assurances will provide complete health benefits package for Morocco’s diplomats and their families.

"We look forward to servicing our new Ministry of Foreign Affairs members as they travel and work around the globe," Leatherby said.

The Moroccan MFA International Health Plan covers global illness, accident and emergency health cover; innocent bystander cover for members injured as a result of conflict, civil unrest or terrorism.

Other features include Aetna’s health risk assessment and package of wellness resources to support employees and their families to implement healthy behaviors multi-lingual and multi-cultural member services, an International Health Advisory Team for assistance with medical and travel needs and innovative online tools to find doctors and hospitals.

The collaboration will also provide services for globally mobile people like city profiles, health and security news, and drug and medical phrase translations.

Apart from providing coverage to MFA diplomats and their families, Aetna and ATLANTA have been partners in Morocco for six years providing health insurance cover for Moroccan citizens both inside and outside the country.