Egyptian insurer Arab Misr Insurance Group (AMIG) has entered into new agreement with Jordan-based software group Eskadenia, to automate the insurance and financial operations of AMIG in the Egyptian market.

Eskadenia Software is fully designed to help manage and automate the Amig’s insurance and financial operations, reduce cost, speed up work and ensure a high level of security and improved customer service.

Eskadenia Software Insurance systems accelerate the processes of creating quotations, issuing policies, endorsements, claims, processing of reinsurance and renewal transactions rapidly and accurately.

In addition, the insurance system integrates with the Financial Modules of Eskadenia Business Manager on real time basis.

The software packages will also provides AMIG users with advanced real-time reports and statistics in the form of charts, diagrams and management dash boards to analyse operational performance and support the decision making process.

Developed using Microsoft .Net technology and residing on Oracle Database, the web-based systems will allow AMIG employees to define insurance products, manage production, and run daily insurance transactions in an efficient and simple manner.