American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance (AFR) has selected Interactive Intelligence's content management products to help increase efficiencies and improve customer service.

AFR will be deploying the AcroSoft Documents and AcroSoft ScanPlus products company-wide to support its claims and policy departments. The completion of products deployment is expected to help more than 170 AFR employees.

Interactive Intelligence has claimed that AcroSoft Documents and AcroSoft ScanPlus products are designed to streamline insurance processes by digitizing documents into electronic format for more effective storage, access, and routing.

Currently, AFR is using the Interactive Intelligence AcroSoft products to electronically scan and index about 10,000 files per week. It expects to complete the deployment later this year.

AFR chief operating officer Ken Branham said that the Interactive Intelligence content management products will help us reduce processing errors and respond faster to policy and claims questions.

“We’ll also use the products to give our state-wide agents real-time claims and policy information. Since our underwriting information isn’t in our computer systems, we’ve historically been very dependent on paper files. Now the files are available at the touch of a button, making our work processes instant and more efficient,” Branham said.