Reale Mutua, an Italy-based insurance group, has selected SAS, a provider of business analytics software and services, to enhance the quality of the customer service and loyalty.

SAS said with its customer segmentation and analysis project ‘SAS Customer Analytics for Insurance’, the Reale Mutua can better listen to customers and customize offers according to specific needs.

The project developed in partnership with SAS partner Value Lab, with support from MBS Consulting, is part of Reale Mutua’s CRM strategy to focus on increasing quality of customer service.

According the SAS, the Reale Mutua uses SAS Customer Analytics for Insurance, which helps marketers create more accurate customer segments and predict customer behavior, which in turn gives companies the ability to create better-targeted product offers, product communications and bundled services.
Reale Mutua CRM manager Anna Caronna said that in order to target communications appropriately, the company focus on building an offer based on each customer’s needs and profitability measures.

Reale Mutua head of marketing and CRM Marco Cuffia said that this gives the company the opportunity to differentiate products according to the customer profile. In addition, SAS helps to improve services, web communication and the performance of customer care operators.