To offer emergency solutions that protect homeowners from the hassle and expense of unexpected repairs

Home Emergency Insurance Solutions, a provider of home emergency repair programs in the US, is going to offer protection program directly to select homeowners in the San Jose Area.

The water service line is the pipe that brings freshwater into a home and is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain it. On most properties, this line starts from the curb or well casing of the property and goes all the way into the home connecting to the water heater, sinks, showers and more. Temperature changes, shifting soil or the age of the line can all be causes of damage. Many times this will result in a loss of water pressure or a loss of water altogether for cooking, bathing and other household needs. In other instances, effects will not be noticed until there is a spike in the water bill due to leakage under the yard.

Accredited by the Better Business Bureau, the Home Emergency Insurance Solutions is able to offer emergency solutions that protect homeowners from the hassle and expense of unexpected repairs, claims the company.

Jonathan King, chief executive officer of Home Emergency, said: Emergencies do happen and unfortunately, there’s very little someone can do to prepare for them. Rather than having to scramble and pay thousands of dollars in the midst of a home emergency, Home Emergency Insurance Solutions takes care of the legwork from start to finish.

Home Emergency will be offering Water Service Line Protection Insurance through a direct mail campaign, offering consumers thousands of dollars in coverage for a monthly fee. When enrolled in the program, customers would have access to a emergency hotline that will dispatch a Home Emergency Insurance Solutions contractor to make any necessary repairs at the home. The company has established a locally based network of licensed and qualified contractors to serve the area.