Fireman's Fund Insurance Company has announced that it will offer new uninsured/underinsured liability protection as an endorsement to its Prestige Excess policy.

Prestige Excess policy is a personal liability coverage that protects the customer from damages they incur due to the wrongful acts of others when the liable person is uninsured or underinsured.

The new coverage is designed to cover bodily injury, property damage and personal injury resulting from occurrences due to a fault of a liable third party who is uninsured or underinsured.

The company said that the protection is an enhancement to Fireman’s Fund’s uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

Bob Courtemanche, president of personal insurance business at Fireman’s Fund, said: Fireman’s Fund recognizes the importance of providing our policyholders with comprehensive financial protection should an accident occur and the responsible party is unable to adequately cover expenses associated with the injury.

This new innovative coverage provides a solution to a gap that exists in most people’s risk management portfolios.